Austrian Levant
- Price
- £20.00
- Stock Code
- 024114
Austrian Levant 20pa/10h p.s. card with ADRIANOPEL / OESTERREICHISCHE POST cds, to Italy, 1908
- Price
- £90.00
- Stock Code
- 025438
Austrian Levant 1875-1883 range, all with ALEXENDRIEN cds plus couple of similar French issues (Egypt) (14 stamps)
- Price
- £60.00
- Stock Code
- 024810
Austrian Levant 1867 15s Franz Joseph coarse whiskers, with bluish ANTIVARI cds
BELGRADE (026120)
- Price
- £120.00
- Stock Code
- 026120
BELGRADE (026120)
1867 2k Franz Joseph of Austria proper, with fully struck BELGRAD cds (consular office in Serbia, used for foreign mail)
CANDIA (022727)
- Price
- £30.00
- Stock Code
- 022727
Austrian Levant 1876 10s coarse whiskers with full CANDIA cds
CANDIA (024177)
- Price
- £75.00
- Stock Code
- 024177
Austrian Levant 1883 3s Arms (SG 15) with full CANDIA serifs cds, unrecorded in Tchilinghirian
CANDIA (024181)
- Price
- £50.00
- Stock Code
- 024181
Austrian Levant 1900 10Pi with full CANDIA / OESTERREICHISCHE POST cds (Crete)
CANEA (023092)
- Price
- £210.00
- Stock Code
- 023092
Austrian Levant vertical pair 10s Franz Joseph fine whiskers (SG 11) with CANEA cds (Crete), on regd cover, "Chargé" cachet, transits of PIRAEUS cs, overland route with CHAMBERY A MACON cds, to MARSEILLE cds, 1882
CANEA (CRETE) (024805)
- Price
- £180.00
- Stock Code
- 024805
Austrian Levant 50s Franz Joseph (SG 7a, Mi 7A) with CANEA cds (Tchilinghirian RRR)
CAVALLA (025954)
- Price
- £90.00
- Stock Code
- 025954
range of Austrian Levant from 15s FJ to late 1800s, all with CAVALLA cds (Macedonia), also a couple French Levant with CAVALLE cds and two Turkey apparently with Cavalla cancels (14 stamps)
JAFFA (022730)
- Price
- £35.00
- Stock Code
- 022730
Austrian Levant 1888 1Pi on 10kr Arms, with JAFFA sans-serif cds
JAFFA (024179)
- Price
- £35.00
- Stock Code
- 024179
Austrian Levant 1867 3s Franz Joseph, part JA(FF)A fleurons cds
JAFFA (025373)
- Price
- £20.00
- Stock Code
- 025373
JAFFA (025373)
Austrian Levant 1875 5s Joseph fine whiskers (SG 10) with JAF(FA) cds
JAFFA (025582)
- Price
- £35.00
- Stock Code
- 025582
JAFFA (025582)
1883 3s Arms (SG 15), JAFFA cds
JANINA (017866)
- Price
- £150.00
- Stock Code
- 017866
Austrian Levant 1867 50s Franz Joseph, with JANIN(A) cds
JANINA (024474)
- Price
- £50.00
- Stock Code
- 024474
Austrian PO in Crete 1914 25c Jubilee (SG F24, cat £300) with JANINA cds
JANINA (025439)
- Price
- £20.00
- Stock Code
- 025439
JANINA (025439)
1908 ¼Pi Due on small piece with JANINA / OSTERRIECHISCHE POST cds (Epirus)
JANINA (025440)
- Price
- £90.00
- Stock Code
- 025440
JANINA (025440)
Austrian Levant 1875-1908 range of issues including higher values (but couple with faults), all with JANINA cds (Epirus) (16 stamps)
JASSY (015689)
- Price
- £75.00
- Stock Code
- 015689
Austrian Levant 1867 25s grey Franz Joseph with blue JASSY cds, couple short perfs and tiny pinholes, but rare on this issue, as the Austrian Post ceased operating in Jassy in 1867
JASSY (023947)
- Price
- £20.00
- Stock Code
- 023947
JASSY cds (Romania) (two part strikes) cancelling 15s Arms perf 10 (SG36, Mi 23)
JERUSALEM (024478)
- Price
- £60.00
- Stock Code
- 024478
1867 2s Franz Joseph coarse whiskers, with (GERUS)ALEMME serif cds
JERUSALEM (025441)
- Price
- £90.00
- Stock Code
- 025441
JERUSALEM (025441)
Austrian Levant 1875-1908 range of issues all with JERUSALEM cds (65 stamps) plus one French Levant on postcard
- Price
- £10.00
- Stock Code
- 024896
Austrian Levant 1888 5{i/5K (SG 26) with KER(ASSUNDE) cds
MERSINA (026355)
- Price
- £50.00
- Stock Code
- 026355
MERSINA (026355)
Austrian Levant mainly 1908 Jubilee range f issues, all with MERSINA cds (Turkey), also several France. French Levant also with MERSONA cancels (17 stamps)
METELIN (026354)
- Price
- £60.00
- Stock Code
- 026354
METELIN (026354)
Austrian Levant 1867 to 1908 Jubilee range of issues, all with METELINE cds, mainly fait to good strikes, also two Russian Levant Meteline cancels (18 stamps)
PAQUEBOT (017420)
- Price
- £75.00
- Stock Code
- 017420
12 stamps of Austria, Lombardy, Austrian Levant, all with various maritime cancels, incl boxed or straightline DI VAPORE, LLOYD AUSTRIACO, etc
RUSTCHUK (012776)
- Price
- £35.00
- Stock Code
- 012776
Austrian Levant 1876 5s fine whiskers with part strike of (RUST)CHUK cds (serifs) (Bulgaria)
SALONICA (025530)
- Price
- £35.00
- Stock Code
- 025530
SALONICA (025530)
Range of Salonica cancels, with one Greece Hermes Head (used abroad status as used in the Turkish period for this city), then Austrian Levant various including blue straightline on 1864 15s Arms (total 20 stamps)
SAMSUN (024171)
- Price
- £35.00
- Stock Code
- 024171
Austrian Levant 1867 10s Franz Joseph (SG 4) with (SAMSUN cds in blue
SMIRNA (025413)
- Price
- £50.00
- Stock Code
- 025413
SMIRNA (025413)
prestamp SMYRNE straightline, and manus "Col Vapore" on entire (lengthy message in Greek), marked "12"kr to pay, to Trieste, 1852
SMIRNA (025412)
- Price
- £50.00
- Stock Code
- 025412
SMIRNA (025412)
1867 15s dark brown Franz Joseph with SMIRNE thimble cds on cover to TRIESTE cds, 1871
SMIRNA (025581)
- Price
- £20.00
- Stock Code
- 025581
SMIRNA (025581)
1867 2s Franz Joseph (SG1), SMIRNA thimble cds
SULINA (015654)
- Price
- £75.00
- Stock Code
- 015654
Lombardy 1863 Arms 2s perf 14, with blue SULINA cds (two part strikes, but identifiable), faults (short corner, small thin) but a reasonable spacefiller for a rare postmark
TREBIZOND (015646)
- Price
- £45.00
- Stock Code
- 015646
Austria (not A. Levant) 1908 25h Jubilee on cover from the Austrian Consul, adhesive consular seal on reverse, TRABEZUNT/ OESTERREICHISCHE POST cds, to Vienna, 1909
- Price
- £75.00
- Stock Code
- 026292
1838 DISINFECTED MAIL (026292)
Prestamp entire from Constantinople, via Semlin on the Austro-Serbian border, where SIGILLUM SANITATIS SEMLINENSIS disinfection cachet plus similar red wax seal were applied, to Genoa, 1838
1838 DISINFECTED MAIL (026294)
- Price
- £105.00
- Stock Code
- 026294
1838 DISINFECTED MAIL (026294)
Prestamp entire from Constantinople, via Semlin on the Austro-Serbian border, where SIGILLUM SANITATIS SEMLINENSIS disinfection cachet plus similar red wax seal were applied, to blue TRIEST straightline datestamp, 1836